Sunday, September 12, 2010

25 - A Random Number for Random Things

Something I did on Facebook out of complete boredom. Basically, it's one of those 25 things about yourself, and you've got to tag 25 people to do it.

So I thought long and hard. In the end, this is what I came up with:

1. The reason I chose to do this is because it's becoming quite the craze on my Facebook page, and I was inspired to write one of my own.

2. Having said that, I get frustrated when I can't think of something new to write.

3. My height is 6 feet and 3 inches (because so many people have been asking me this, I feel like a girrafe!)

4. I may not be street smart, but I am book smart! :)

5. People have told me that I have an unusual ability to stay calm in a dire situation (but mostly, it's during exams).

6. I have a fascination for pictures of predators (lions, tigers, wolves, those of the mammal class etc.), because there's something mysteriously beautiful about these deadly creatures.

7. If I had to name 5 of my favourite authors who have shaped my life, they are: Neil Gaiman, Stephen King, Erin Hunter, Roald Dahl and J.K. Rowling. :)

8. I am a fan of the Warriors series, and an avid collector of the books (28 titles in my collection right now, and still counting).

9. I never had the chance to do an ISU (Independent Study Unit) for English in college, but if I did, I would have based it on Watership Down by Richard Adams. One of my truly favourite reads.

10. My fingers are always counting the number of syllables in every sentence, song, or title (book and movie).

11. For the rest of the year, I will not eat any octopus, in respect of the great Paul who was ALWAYS RIGHT and led Spain to victory. Yes, I'm a Paul supporter.

12. I took up kenjitsu (samurai sword fencing) for a year in college. So I do know the basics of attacking and defending with a sword.

13. I'm really interested in Greek mythology, and that's because it started with me finding out about my namesake (Jason who led the Argonauts on the quest of the Golden Fleece).

14. During my college graduation ceremony, the organizers mentioned that I would be furthering my studies in Biomedical Science. Boy, were they wrong!

15. Until today, I'm still wondering what the hell was I doing taking Physics in secondary school.

16. I know how to burp at will.

17. The most annoying sound I've ever heard is the sound of Velcro. You might as well just rip my ears off.

18. I sleep with 4 books or more on my bed. No surprises.

19. Whenever I'm writing a story or an assignment on Word Document, the word count MUST end with any even number or 5. Otherwise, I get all nervous.

20. I'm the oddball in my family. What did you expect? No one's perfect!

21. According to my birth cert, I'm born in the year of the Goat, but also in the hour of the Snake. How ironic is that?

22. I like cheese, but ONLY on pizza and pasta. And I don't eat those Kraft singles or square pieces, ergh!

23. I have two blogs - Jayson's Lexicon and The Hopeful Storyteller. But it's the first one that I put more of my heart and soul into.

24. To date, these are the only movies that I have seen twice in the cinema: Goblet of Fire, Bolt (in 3D), and The Karate Kid.

25. I think I might be the most boring person on the planet, but then again, it's just me.

* Bonus 26. I believe that you should challenge the ordinary. And that's not just me for practicing my writing. But I learn to avoid cliches and stereotypes.

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