Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The coincidence of rabbits in Misery

"It's not often it happens but someone will make an offer you find hard to refuse. You will enjoy this offer for a while because it happens so rarely but in the end you must decide."

So declares the horoscope for today's Pisceans.

I'm not one to believe in horoscopes (mostly because they don't happen the way you expect them), but today's is perhaps more than just coincidence.

If I had to make a list of bookstores I don't make purchases from, Popular would be one of them. Not because I have anything against the store, but I find bigger varieties and rare choices from MPH and Borders. Plus, I'm a loyal customer. Today, it finds me in that store staring googly-eyed at a copy of Richard Adams's Watership Down. I absolutely love the cover - all green and white in a sort of antique manner. It kills me that I must have that particular edition of that book in my collection, but what if I can't find it in MPH? So much for being a member and collecting rebate points.

Oh, and speaking of that, my MPH rebate voucher came pouring in. RM20 off on the joys of reading!

There's this great classic film called Misery which I caught on Star Movies. Some crazy-ass bitch keeps her favourite author captive and forces him to write for his life. Shudder! I wonder if this must be every author's worst nightmare, apart from writer's block. If so, well done Stephen King! Now, to pursue that book...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Soul's Conflict

Two opposing forces,
two sides of the ocean;
they roar and clash against each other,
neither will back down

A fearsome lion,
a bloodthirsty tiger.
Claws unsheathed, fangs barred;
they battle for dominance.

If you are strong you live
if you are weak you die

That is how it has always been.

And yet here I stand -
the helpless sailor at sea
or the unworthy explorer
unwillingly caught in this crossfire

They're expecting me to pick a side.

Of what significance do I play?
Am I that unworthy than a pawn?

I am not fire nor ice,
neither angel nor demon

Heaven shines angelic blessings
or Hell spits its fiery curses.

Do you think I really give a damn?

For you see,
I am nothing but
I have to be everything for their sakes.

You could at least let me choose
the path of my salvation.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Bibliophile's Desire

I'm commiting the worst sin in the eyes of bibliophiles.

Everytime I'm halfway reading through a book, temptation arises in the form of a warehouse sale, book fair or discounts off. My wallet lightens with every purchase, but my bookcase is groaning under ALL that weight of books. With over 240 books in my collection and nearly 20 or more still yet to be read, it's no surprise that I find myself juggling 5 books at this very moment.

A couple of these books I might have put aside in my yearn for more, but these are stories with characters so memorable. Read them, for they will change your world's perspective.
  1. The Shadow of the Wind
  2. Sophie's World
  3. Company of Liars
  4. The Sandman: Book of Dreams
  5. American Gods

And if that's not enough, I'm making a wish list to add on to my collection.

  1. Watership Down
  2. Warriors Super Edition: Bluestar's Prophecy
  3. The Books of Magic (graphic novel)
  4. The Graveyard Book
  5. The Evil Seed
  6. The Stand
  7. Salem's Lot

P.S: For the record, I seem to be somewhat of a Neil Gaiman fanatic. ;)

The Beginning - But Not the First

First of all, let it be known that this is NOT exactly my first blog entry - although I suppose it would be for this account.

Somewhere in cyberspace, my Brilliantly Ambitious Memoirs Being Imprinted is collecting dust-bytes. So unless by some miracle, if I am able to export everything from a Friendster blog over to here (other than the pathetic excuse of Copy and Paste), it's time to begin this with a fresh new start. Perhaps I shall at least mention previous entries when the time comes.

Yes, I'll still write in green. And throw in a few movie reviews and random entries too.

So, what is one to expect from an eccentric oddball such as myself?