Saturday, June 26, 2010

Damn That Writer's Block

Of all the phases of writer’s block that I am going through, this one is sucking the life out of me.

Figuratively speaking.

First off, I think that had I not written The Fallen Queen, I would have not thought about perhaps making a package by writing several more short stories in the hopes that I could create an anthology.

I’m probably into my second story called Red. It’s supposed to be a werewolf romance, but intentionally, it’s my take on the tale of Red Riding Hood.

I love the idea of butchering fairy tales and turning them to the dark side.

However, the most difficult part about writing this story is that I have no wish to see it spin out like a Twilight rip-off.

That’s the problem these days; the supernatural world is being tainted with romance.

As a student in Media Studies, I still fail to comprehend just how something so Mary-Sue and long-winding can turn out to be a huge success.

Secretly, I wish I can create something out of words which can make a huge impact on the world.

Even if that something turns out to be You-Know-What.

I know I’m there somewhere, but I first have to make an effort out of it.

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