Friday, November 12, 2010

A Film (and Book) With Some Serious Bite

Halloween may have come and gone in one night, but that doesn't stop the creatures of the night from dominating our written pages and silver screens.

Enter Swedish author John Ajvide Lindqvist's Let The Right One In, followed by its original Swedish film and the most recent American re-make Let Me In. Now that is a name that truly screams of one of the best vampire films I've seen in years.

Let's see: got your pints and gallons of blood? Check. Baring fangs and screaming blue murder? Check.

But a little girl who can balance the tips of innocence and evil like child's play? And the idea that evil is present everywhere, even in the thoughts of a child? Woah. Now that's two gold stars in my book.

The book itself has vividly penetrated my literal mind, not just for the amount of violence and gore, but the constant theme of child abuse (hint: expect to lean heavilly on pedophilia). Of course I expected the latter to be cut down in terms of visual screening, but there are all those moments of uncomfortable silences, creepy choir music, and what-the-hell-ah! moments that's enough to scare the living dead.

Oh, and you can forget all those crappy-saturated marble-like vampires that sparkle like diamonds in the sun and stalkers who like to watch you sleep at night. Seriously, is today's audience all about the new rise of the bloodsuckers we've grown to fear and admire?

If you're in serious need of some hauntingly new material, then ditch a certain phenomenon and go for this film. It's not just about the innocence and evil, it's a whole new storyline that will keep at your minds- forever.